Earthquake lights? Really?

Sorry I’ve been away for so long-been working on a mystery for far too long. I have to finish it. Speaking of mysteries, I’m watching an episode of Ancient Aliens,one of my favorite programs, they mentioned that prior to an earthquake, lights can be seen in the sky that some people feel are just earthquake lights. Lights that are the result of the tectonic plates rubbing against each other as they are building up to the earthquake.  I looked at the images of the lights and they look like spaceships. and there are people who agree with me.  This particular episode is titled Alien Devastations.

watch this series-i love it.



by Calla Cofield, Senior Writer |

” Repeating bursts of radio waves coming from a distant dwarf galaxy probably aren’t signals from an extraterrestrial civilization, but that hasn’t stopped a group of E.T. hunters from investigating this peculiar phenomenon.”

This article ended with :

“At the news conference, the paper’s authors said there are many other hypotheses that could explain FRBs. It is unclear yet if the peculiar behavior of FRB 121102 is unusual among all FRBs or just among those that scientists have been able to observe, they said, but there are new radio telescopes coming online soon that will be able to scan for these events and help researchers learn more about them.

Recently, Breakthrough Listen scientists have also studied the space rock ‘Oumuamua that scientists believe came from another solar system, and “Boyajian’s Star,” which has mystified astronomers with its strange flickering”



Haven’t been here in too long- too much political activities to watch on TV.

Found an excellent article this morning-“Humans Really Are Made of Stardust and a New Study Proves It.” and it can be found on Yahoo news.

here’s a snippet.

Humans Really Are Made of Stardust, and a New Study Proves It
An artist’s view of our Milky Way. A new study has mapped the abundance of elements found in the human body, the building blocks of life, in the stars of the Milky Way.

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

For decades, science popularizers have said humans are made of stardust, and now, a new survey of 150,000 stars shows just how true the old cliché is: Humans and their galaxy have about 97 percent of the same kind of atoms, and the elements of life appear to be more prevalent toward the galaxy’s center, the research found.

The crucial elements for life on Earth, often called the building blocks of life, can be abbreviated as CHNOPS: carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur. For the first time, astronomers have cataloged the abundance of these elements in a huge sample of stars


Watching a program on History Channel on vortices and theories about them- The Devil’s Graveyards. Operation Paperclip and H.A.R.P. are both discussed. very interesting and should be viewed by all who feel as I do that our planet is dotted with vortices and magnetism. Too many coincidences, too may theories that make too much sense. Radiation and magnetic pulse. very interesting.


trasoundsNew 5D tech helps film babies in the womb, save for posterity – Bangalore Mirror

I was casually scrolling around the internet this morning and stumbled across this new piece of medical technology. Well, maybe not new to everybody, but since I haven’t wanted an ultrasound for quite some time now, this was interesting to me. But I wonder, as they continuously seek to better and enhance this medical technology, just how far will they take it? Now we can have images of our babies in the womb that are no longer fuzzy and blurred but are living proof that they are God’s gift to us. Will this technology get to point that there will be 6D and we can hear the sounds that the babies make while in the womb?  At that point, would the watcher be able to hear the mother as she is talking to someone? ewww. That might get really weird.

I mean, when do these types of advancements cease?

Where do they dare to draw the line? also has some info on this.





Breakthrough: Scientists detect Einstein’s gravity ripples

WASHINGTON (AP) — In an announcement that electrified the world of astronomy, scientists said Thursday that they have finally detected gravitational waves, the ripples in the fabric of space-time that Einstein predicted a century ago.

Astronomers hailed the finding as achievement of historic proportions, one that opens the door to a new way of observing the cosmos and the violent collisions that are constantly shaping it. For them, it’s like turning a silent movie into a talkie because these waves are the soundtrack of the universe.

“Until this moment, we had our eyes on the sky and we couldn’t hear the music,” said Columbia University astrophysicist Szabolcs Marka, a member of the discovery team. “The skies will never be the same.”



I read this morning and found it interesting. I’ve included the first three paragraphs.


New evidence suggests a ninth planet lurking at the edge of the solar system

Astronomers at the California Institute of Technology announced Wednesday that they have found new evidence of a giant icy planet lurking in the darkness of our solar system far beyond the orbit of Pluto. They are calling it “Planet Nine.”

Their paper, published in the Astronomical Journal, describes the planet as about five to 10 times as massive as the Earth. But the authors, astronomers Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin, have not observed the planet directly.

Instead, they have inferred its existence from the motion of recently discovered dwarf planets and other small objects in the outer solar system. Those smaller bodies have orbits that appear to be influenced by the gravity of a hidden planet – a “massive perturber.” The astronomers suggest it might have been flung into deep space long ago by the gravitational force of Jupiter or Saturn.



I’m watching a program on History 2(which is usual because this happens almost every day there’s something on this phenomenal channel) at any rate, I’m watching a program titled “Invisible”.

Cutting edge science has made it possible for us to see the world that has previously been invisible, molecules, gases, and ewww, minute bugs and organisms. The narrator is counting down the top 40 thinks that have previously been invisible and are too incredible. Please try to watch this show. On Demand if you can’t get it immediately. A must see.